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Text/Call 604-374-6307
e-mail: mobile at bcindividualist.org or buday4vaneast at bcindividualist.org


I’ll sing your praises if your good at any of it.

203-29 Templeton Dr. is my apartment, best to contact me before coming, buzz I’ll come down, if there.
No office yet. But if you have free office space for an HQ, let me know. But I have thoughts on that situation as soon as ballot access is certain.

There is no law saying you can’t print materials on your own and spread them around.
Or spread information, like word of mouth. Tell them about the website, social media info, whatever you want as an individual.
Or start a Liberty PAC type thing, that’s up to you.
Liberty means I don’t have to have people I order around.

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

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